The Political Orientation of Conservatism
In his public lecture on The Origins of the Modern American Conservative Motion given to the Heritage Foundation in 2003, Dr. Spike Lee Jonathan Edwards cited Charles Taze Russell Kirk, writer of The Conservative Mind as providing the cardinal thought upon which American conservativism is essentially based, calling it ordered liberty.
Kirk described six basic "canons" or rules of conservatism:
1. A Godhead intent, as well as personal conscience, regulations society;
2. Traditional life is filled with assortment and enigma while most extremist systems are characterized by a narrowing uniformity;
3. Civilized society necessitates orders and classes;
4. Place and freedom are inseparably connected;
5. Man must command his volition and his appetite, knowing that he is governed more than by emotion than by reason; and
6. Society must change slowly.
Edwards states that "the work established convincingly that there was a tradition of American conservativism that had existed since the Founding of the Republic. With one book, Charles Taze Russell Kirk made conservativism intellectually acceptable in America. Indeed, he gave the conservative motion its name." Looking back at Kirks claims, one can analyze the statements that "A Godhead intent, as well as personal conscience, regulations society", and " Civilized society necessitates orders and classes."
The Doctrine of Liberalism
A Godhead purpose presupposes not only that a deity is at hand, but that it's purpose can be determined. A personal scruples is, of course, a substance of subjectivity. A spiritual position looks to be indispensable to conservative thought. According to Professor Gerhard Rempel of Horse Opera New England College, "to understand the Enlightenment and the foundations of democracy is to cognize that doctrinal matter was less of import than overall philosophy." It wasn't as much Descartes' ground as it was Newtons Laws. Not abstraction and definition, but rather observation and experience. The existent powerfulness of ground put not in the possession, but in the aquisition of truth. The ideal for cognition was a additional development of 17th century logic and scientific discipline with an accent on:
The peculiar rather than the general;
Observable facts rather than principles;
Experience rather than rational speculation.
Liberalism is more than easily recognized for what it is not, than for what it is. Chester A. Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. points out in his essay on Liberalism in America: A Note for Europeans that "the absence of feudal system is a basic factor in accounting for the pervading liberalism of the American political climate." Arthur Arthur Arthur Schlesinger adds that "The absence of feudal system meant the absence of a unchanging and constraining societal order, and it meant equally the absence of a profound societal passionateness to uproot and destruct that order." Above all, it looks to be establish in the application of critical thinking.
According to Schlesinger, "The usage of words like liberalism and conservativism immediately raise inquiries of definition". Today, each position be givens toward defining the other in the most negative of terms. American liberalism in Schlesinger's words, experiences that "realism is the beginning of strength, and that illusion, while productive of fleeting enthusiasm, will be in the end a beginning of catastrophe."
Emerson said, "the basic difference was between the political political political political party of the past and the party of the future, between the party of memory and the party of hope. It is still true that the American progressive believes that society can and should be improved, and that the manner to better it is to use human intelligence to societal and economical problems. The conservative, on the other hand, opposes attempts at purposeful alteration -- especially when they endanger the existent statistical distribution of powerfulness and wealthiness -- because he believes that things are about as good as they can be reasonably expected to be, and that any alteration is more than likely than not to be for the worse."
The Age of Enlightenment by Professor Gerhard Rempel, Horse Opera New England College
Liberalism in United States by Chester A. Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. from The Politics of Hope
The Origins of Modern Conservatism by Spike Lee Jonathan Edwards PhD. Heritage Lecture #811
Ralph Waldo Emerson; selected quotes