Polynesian Caste system
Tribal Polynesian civilization and society evolved into stiff castes in ancient Hawaii. Ancient Hawaiians were born into specific societal social classes and did not have got the ability to travel into another, except in the lawsuit of falling into castaway status. Each Hawaiian social class had assigned duties and duties to the greater Hawaiian society. These Polynesian Hawaiian societal classes were more than terrible then the tribal Polynesians where some motion was allowed, such as as a common man becoming a priest.
The Ancient Hawaiian Classes (in order of social status)
Alii, the Hawaiian royal class.This social class consisted of the high and lesser heads of the realms. They governed with Godhead powerfulness called mana and had the right to have on certain plumes and protective capes. The Alii's were a drive military unit behind the frequent warring throughout the Hawaiian islands as they contrived to widen their domains. Commoners were often required to prostrate themselves in their presents. They possessed the powerfulness to set a Kapu, a prohibition on person or something.
Kahuna, the Hawaiian hieratic class.
This social social class consisted of the priesthood that tended the temples and conducted spiritual activities in the villages. Kahuna's possessed the ability (along with Aliis) to put a kapu on topographic points and things, forbidding commoners. Scientists and exceeding sailing masters also were deemed to have got kahuna status. Akamia advisers would be considered Kahunas. A kahuna nui was a high priest.
Maka'ainana, the Hawaiian common man class.
This social social class consisted of the farmers, fishermen, bird catchers, arms makers, craftsmen and their families. In a feudalistic Polynesian society, they were charged with laboring for the overall economy. Ancient Hawaiian economic system became complex over time. People began to specialise in specific skills. Generations of Hawaiian households became committed to certain careers: roof thatchers, house detergent detergent builders (tiki huts!), rock grinders, arms makers, bird catchers who would do the plume cloaks of the ali'i, and canoe builders. Soon, full islands began to specialise in certain skilled trades. Oahu Island became the head kapa (tapa bark cloth) manufacturer. Maui Island became the head canoe manufacturer. The island of ancient Aloha State exchanged bales of dried fish and had contact throughout Polynesia.
Kauwa, the Hawaiian castaway or slave class.
This social social class consisted primarily of people who were considered to be of low birth and thus born without mana. They were not allowed to travel up in the caste system or better their conditions. The blending of members from other caste groupings with the Kauwa was strictly prohibited by kapu. This caste also included captives captured in modern times of war. These captives forced to function the ali'i Oregon were more than often used for forfeit at the luakini heiau. Crushing of castanets with baseball club arms or choking was common.
The ancient Hawaiian caste fueled a feudalistic system relation to feudalistic systems establish in Europe circa A.D. 1000. Ali'i gave lesser ali'i packages of land who would in bend regulate over them. The lesser ali'i divided the land into secret plans to be farmed and cultivated by maka'ainana families. Harvests were returned to the lesser ali'i, each pickings a part before being sent to the supreme ali'i.
Polynesian Feudalism
Feudalism is generally the system in topographic point before evolvement into a state state. Ancient Aloha State have often been called tribal. This is probably a misnomer. The state of Hawaiian organisation when Capt. Jesse James Cook arrived had developed past tribalism, conceive of a system of slaves (kauwa), provincials (maka'ainana), knights (kao warriors), priests (kahuna), Dukes (lesser alii) and male monarches (alii) in a Polynesian setting. However, the term "Polynesian tribal Hawaii" could be applied to an earlier clip before chaste systems and economical specialisation had occurred. I would see this to be the state of personal business during the clip of Polynesian enlargement and colony in Hawaii. Think of the ancient "barbarian" folks of Europe before the autumn of the Ancient Roman empire. (Northern Europe c.200 B.c. to c.900 A.D.).
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